Garnett Ford

Born and raised in Toronto, Garnett Ford formed his first band, Pinball, during the mid ’70s. They played the local area circuit, venturing occasionally out west and into the US, when Frederick Starchuck took an interest. He signed Ford to a management deal, and within a year a contract with Warner Brothers. They wanted him …

Gary O

Born in Toronto, music was a household staple while Gary O’Connor was growing up. His father was Billy O’Connor, one of the country’s most popular big band leaders of the day, and hosted one of the first Canadian TV variety shows. Although Gary’s first instrument of choice was the drums, he swapped it for the …

Frozen Ghost

Despite what looked like a promising career ahead, Sheriff hung up their holsters in 1983 after only one album, leaving Arnold Lanni and Wolf Hassel to step back and re-evaluate their futures. Lanni was planning on recording a solo project to launch his new recording studio, Arnyard Studios in Toronto. With himself handling vocals, guitar …


Although he took singing and piano lessons while growing up in Toronto, Garfield French’s first real foray into music was when he formed The Garfield Band with a bunch of University buddies. They played the college dorms and university pubs (and were particularly huge at the University of Waterloo) and also carved a niche in …

Gaye Delorme

Gaye Delorme memorial Although his name is generally first associated as the writer of “The Rodeo Song,” the expletive-filled cowboy anthem made famous by Showdown, Gaye Delorme’s career also developed into one of the most versatile in Canada, making him one of the most sought after studio musicians, live guitarists, and producer/writers. Born in Thunder …