Michelle Wright

Born in 1961 in Chatham, Ontario, Michelle Wright’s childhood was filled with rural life, growing up into a musical family in the nearby town of Merlin. She actually began playing drums, not the guitar, although she picked that up early on, too. Her parents were both regular country performers around the area, and performed with …


Born in Lorerrettville, Quebec in 1970, Mitsou Gelinas followed in her family’s show business footsteps at an early age, as she was the third generation of actors in her family. She began acting herself at age 5, and was earning income as a model by age 12. While she learned the musical aspect of her …

The Models

Brent Macnab memorial Not to be confused with several groups with the same or similar names throughout history, Edmonton’s The Models were formed in 1975 by highschool friends singer/guitarist Peter Bodman and keyboardist David Stahl. The lineup went through several changes over the next few years, as did the band’s name – first Archer, and …


Formed in Edmonton at the beginning of the hair metal days in 1980, Millions was led by the double led guitar attack of Dave Cox and Brian Weafer, Randy Lloyd (ex of One Horse Blue) on bass and drummer Todd Ketza. By that summer the band was well on their way paying their dues on …


Not to be confused by the numerous techno or pop bands with the same name, Mindstorm was centred around Brandon, Manitoba natives singer Travis Mitchell (not to be confused either with the new age country artist) and guitarist Al Rodgers. They moved to Winnipeg in the mid ’80s and with Russ Boswell on bass and …

Moe Koffman

Moe Koffman memorial Adored by many jazz fans for his penchant for making it more accessible to the masses, but shunned by true afficianados for the exact same reason, Toronto native Moe Koffman was born in 1928 into a musical family, and was a student of music early in life, embracing the violin at the …