Sparkling Apple CD review: HARD CORE APPLEBy: Dan Brisebois After spending a couple of decades on the independent circuit, Sparkling Apple has released the ultimate collection of their works, with 2012’S HARD CORE APPLE. The band’s roots date back to Vancouver’s roughest bars and the hardest rock in the late ’70s. There wasn’t a high …
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Artist: Robbie Cooper CD Review: DROWNING IN REALITYBy: Dan Brisebois A fresh approach to adult rock is what Robbie Cooper displays in abundance on his third independent release, DROWNING IN REALITY. This Toronto native has added fuel to pop music’s flame, and is on the brink of finally having the mainstream come around to his …
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Undadogg Artist ReviewBy Dan Brisebois I f the sounds of Portishead, Hooverphonic, Sneaker pimps and Massive Attack interest you, you will probably enjoy UNDADOGG. By fusing various different musical genre’s together: down tempo trip hop, hints of drum and bass and break beats, indie rock, dark atmospherics, heartbreaking lyrics and sultry female vocals, UNDADOGG’s sound …
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Steve Holt CD Review: The DreamBy: Dan Brisebois One of Canada’s most acclaimed jazz pianists, Steve Holt has just released his first disc geared for a pop audience. The native of Montreal is a past Juno Award nominee and has recorded four discs prior, building a loyal following on the jazz circuit in Quebec and …
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SU8CK CD review: SU8CKby Dan Brisebois After only a couple years together, SU8CK have steadily gained a reputation around Toronto as one of the freshest sounds in quite awhile. They released their self-titled debut EP in the summer of 2002 and have since gone on to spread their word to the rest of the province. …
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Supertonic Artist reviewBy Annie Seggie SUPERTONIC is a band formed in Vancouver B.C . This band has a great sound, Pop with little jazz-fusion thing happening in their music. They have a very unique sound! The merging of these fine musicians has spawned a new love for performing live music. Energy is an abundant commodity …
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Artist: Ten Platers CD Review: AGENT ORANGEBy: Dan Brisebois AGENT ORANGE is the energetic debut from Ten Platers, released in July, 2008. Fronted by chief songwriter and lead vocalist/guitarist and bassist Vincent Fournier, the Langley, BC threesome is rounded out by guitarist Cole Wilson and Jamie Hale on drums. Formed from the ashes of the …
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Trevor Mills CD review: KARAOKE COWBOY By Dan Brisebois Trevor Mills is a folk singer and is proud of it. On “Karaoke Cowboy”, his second INDEPENDENT release, he presents twelve original compositions that showcase both the breadth and depth of his talent. The record was co-produced by Mills and his father, veteran producer Paul Mills …
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Twin Brothers CD review: WHO’S WHO?By: Dan Brisebois Ron and Don Croft grew up with one thing in mind – taking the rock world by storm. With their debut CD they’ve begun doing just that. WHO’S WHO is a nice little collection of potent rockers and well-thought out progressive melodies that have been a long …
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Upbringing CD Review: HELDBy Dancin’ Monkey Some new bands are better off playing in nightclubs, because let’s face it – many of today’s artists just don’t have what it takes to entertain the world. However, Upbringing does not fall under that category. Aside from their old 80’s metal lookand Dave Tettamente’s unintentional Axl Rose impersonation, …
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