This Day in History: 2022-01-29
1966: Gordon Lightfoot releases his debut album, LIGHTFOOT!
1969: Corb Lund is born in Taber, Alberta.
1972: Aaron Space‘s debut single, “Keep On Moving” sits at #83 on the Canadian chart for the last of a three week run.
1973: The Band release the album, MATINEE.
1976: Burton Cummings‘ self-titled debut album peaks at #30 on Billboard’s album chart.
1977: Rush is on Billboard’s chart for the first time. The live version of “Fly By Night/In The Mood” peaks at #88.
1980: Prism is on The Raes TV show, where they lip-synch “Virginia.”
1982: Streetheart release their self-titled album.
1988: Absent from the scene for several years, Prism stage a reunion at Vancouver’s 86 Street club.
1989: Sheriff tops Billboard’s chart with “When I’m WIth You.”
1990: Red Rider‘s WHITE HOT LIVE album is released, along with the only single – the live version of “White Hot.”
1994: Crash Test Dummies‘ GOD SHUFFLED HIS FEET peaks at #4 on Bilboard’s albums chart.
1995: Ken Jensen, drummer for DOA dies in a house fire.
1996: Hemingway Corner see “Watch Over You” peak on Canada’s AC chart at #21.
1996: Shania Twain is named best new country artist at the American Music Awards.
1999: Crash Test Dummies release the single, “Keep A Lid On Things.”
2006: The first major concert by a Western pop star, let alone Canadian, happens in Pakistan when Bryan Adams plays for 10,000 screaming fans in Karachi to benefit earthquake relief.
2008: Hawksley Workman releases his BETWEEN THE BEAUTIFULS album.
2009: Nickelback release the single, “Burn It To The Ground.”
2010: Helix release the new single and video, “Make ‘Em Dance.”
2011: Harpdog Brown throws himself a birthday party at Wild Bill’s in Red Deer.
2016: Chilliwack is in Edmonton at Century Casino. Opening is Rockin’ Rick & The Party Crashers.
2017: Justin Beiber is playing in the game during the NHL’s celebrity portion of All Star Weekend in LA. He scores nothing, but does get hammered into the boards by Chris Pronger.
2019: Focused joins Fourth Way, Kings of Our Kin and The Hague in Toronto for a show at Duffy’s Tavern.
2019: Lex Justice is home in Edmonton to close out a two night stand at Blues On Whyte.